My aim is to help athletes to repair existing and prevent new injuries as well as to assist athletes to excel in their own performance.


Specialize in overuse and running-related injuries as well as all types of orthopaedic injuries and metabolic conditions.


Strength and Injury prevention.


Look forward to a new running session.

Race Planning

Personal coaching.

More About Me

"I believe that everyone can succeed in their own challenges"

B.A Human movement’s science degree

From 2009-2011 at the University of the Free State.
I completed my Honours degree in 2012.

Completing Challenging Events

Participating in numerous Multisport World championships, Comrades Ultra marathons, and Ironman events.

Repair and Prevent

My aim is to help athletes to repair existing and prevent new injuries as well as to assist athletes to excel in their own performance.

Running Brands We Trust


We are an ultra trail running family not just a shop supplying high quality trail running brands.


At PVM we are driven by our passion for science

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Poobie Naidoo's

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“In Januarie 2020 breek ek my enkel en sien sommer hoe ek my liefde vir hardloop, tennis en ander sport vir n ruk op sy moet skuif. Middel Januarie geopereer, staal pen en skroewe gekry en daar begin die lang pad na herstel.

Paer weke in n moon boot en ek besluit die tyd is reg vir die herstel proses. Was by een of twee fisioterapeute om spiere los te maak en het besef die tyd is reg om by n biokinetikus uit te kom om weer sterk te raak. Dit is hier waar my pad met Jaco Ebertsohn by Bloem Bios gekruis het.

Na n vinnige assessment het hy dadelik en vol positiwiteit gese die is n maklike “fix”. Om n baie lang storie kort te maak het hy my van gebreekte enkel tot n vol Sky Run (100km) in minder as nege maande gevat, en ek se “gevat” want hy is nie n bio wat net vir jou oefen program gee en los nie, maar fisies saam my deur die oefeninge gegaan het, gemotiveer het en regtig die ekstra myl gestap het.

Nie net het hy my weer aan die hardloop gekry nie maar sy oefen program het my gewig weer herstel, hardloop tye verbeter en terug op al die sport gebiede gekry. Dankie Jaco, jou persoonlikheid, positiwiteit en passie vir jou werk het gemaak dat ek altyd uitgesien het om te gaan oefen.

Jy is ‘n Champ!!”

~ Stefan Trytsman ~

“In 2021 I experienced severe inflammation in my right knee and was referred to my doctor to an orthopaedic surgeon. With one look at the x-rays, he said that I would have to cycle from now on and that would be my only leg exercise henceforth, no squats, no lunges, nothing! – no medication was prescribed.  Instead of getting better it actually got worse up to the point where I woke up one day with both my knees being inflamed. I struggled standing up and it hurt a lot when going up or down from stairs and this left me with the thought of going back to the doctor and this time he might have to operate. If you are someone fond of gyming and sports then most people would tell you that an operation is the beginning of the end.

A couple of months ago I was referred by one of the personal trainers at Quest gym to go and see Jaco, so I set up an appointment and with the first examination Jaco was able to provide me with a prognosis of my issue and also calmly stated that my problem would be fixed within a month. Jaco also prescribed a 2-week anti-inflammatory “Cataflam” treatment, which I immediately went on. As the weeks went by, I could gradually feel the pain subsiding and my strength and balance improving up to the point that I had my full range of motion back on both knees without pain. Jaco delivered on his promise of having me fixed within a month and I decided to stay for further treatment and tap into his vast knowledge of getting my legs stronger and getting my quality of life back.

Let me tell you that even something a small as this can cause a lot of strain on you physically as well as mentally and you start to realise how you can take your health for granted. With a grateful heart I want to thank Jaco Ebertsohn for the professional but yet humanistic manner in which he was able to guide me on my way to recovery and would like to recommend him for any sports injuries you might be struggling with. 

Thank you so much Jaco!!”

~ Kolie Bolleurs ~

“It is a great honour for me to give a testimonial concerning Jaco Ebertsohn’s BloemBio’s clinic at Quest.

I have been a client of Jaco Ebertsohn for 5 years now. At the recommendation of Dr Louis Hugo, I came to see Jaco for rehabilitation exercises of my lower back pain.

I was heartily welcomed and I was given a thorough diagnostic interview by Jaco after he had viewed Dr Hugo’s report concerning my lower back pain. Thereafter I was given precise diagnostic exercise programs to follow at the BloemBio’s clinic under Jaco’s supervision. Each exercise was shown exactly to me before I was asked to attempt it on my own.

I was most surprised when my back started to improve and heal within a few months time. Ever since then it is healthy and stronger than before.
Training sessions are always fun and I have never had a monotonous training session. If you are unable to come to a training session due to unforeseen circumstances, you can always arrange for a different time slot.

Professionalism is top on the list for Jaco. Even in the Covid 19 lock down period, Jaco made exercise video’s of our training programs to help us with our exercises to keep our bodies fit and conditioned.

Even though rehabilitation for my back is over, I am still going to BloemBio’s because Jaco not only gives rehabilitation exercises, he also keeps my body strong and healthy by giving me conditioning exercises to prevent injury to the original injury incurred.
I strongly recommend Jaco Ebertsohn and his BloemBio’s clinic to anyone who is seriously searching for not only rehabilitation after incurring injuries and operations, but also to strengthen and keep their bodies strong, mobile and healthy.”

~ Suzanna Botha ~

“Starting to work out with Jaco has been a life-changing experience for me. Not only is he an amazing person with his calm, fun-loving and encouraging approach, but he has exceptional knowledge in his field. He has the ability to enhance your development holistically, experientially challenging your perceptions of what you are capable of achieving. I started jogging and trail running for the first time at 45 years of age… something I never even imagined being able to accomplish! Jaco, you are the best!!”

~ Loni Ribeiro ~

“Daring. Exciting. Professional. For the past 2 years, Jaco was always on top of the game, helping me to get out of bed at 04h30, looking forward to an interesting and challenging hour of sweat; pushing me beyond my anticipated limits. Rehab became witty, enjoyable fun time.”

~ Christo Du Plessis ~

“As ek terug kyk na die laaste 5 jaar het Jaco my gehelp om die volgende doelwitte suksesvol te behaal, 2 Comrades Marathons, ‘n halwe Iron Man en verskeie Ultra Marathons, dit sonder ‘n besering! ONS volgende doelwit is reeds beplan, programme geskryf en ek aan die oefen! Jaco help my ook met kondisionerings oefeninge by sy praktyk in Langenhovenpark. Ek kan Jaco se hardloop programme aanbeveel, daar is altyd afwisseling in die programme en na 5 jaar verbaas hy my steeds met nuwe oefeninge!

Hierdie oefen programme word aangepas sodat dit altyd ‘n uitdaging is en so vordering verseker. Jaco se sukses lê daarin dat hyself ‘n atleet is en weet watter uitdagings elke wedloop inhou. By Jaco kan jy oefen in ‘n gemaklike ontspanne omgewing, ek kan hom met die grootste vrymoedigheid aanbeveel as ‘n Biokenetikus, multi event program skrywer en ‘n vriend!”

~ Rouxnette McKeating ~

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